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Ep 32. Dr Pamela Douglas - Infant Sleep, Influence of Sensory Play and Why Do Mothers Continue to Receive Conflicting Advice?

Ep 32. Dr Pamela Douglas - Infant Sleep, Influence of Sensory Play and Why Do Mothers Continue to Receive Conflicting Advice?

Today is part two of my conversation with Dr Pamela Douglas the founder of the non-profit Possums for Mothers and Babies and authour of the internationally renowned book.,The Little Discontented Baby Book in which she beautifully illustrates through evidenced based research how and why it is normal for babies to cry/fuss in the first 16 weeks of life.

We took a deep dive into the research around infant sleep and debunked some myths around what is 'normal' when it comes to babies and sleep routines. Pam and I also discussed how babies can genuinely get bored like you and me - and the importance of sensory play.

Finally we wrapped with some big picture questions around why mothers continue to receive conflicting advice around infant development, feeding and sleep, and what Pam envisions for a more positive future. 

Pam has worked as an Australian general practitioner since 1987, with particular interests in sexual health, women’s health, and mental health. She is an Associate Professor (adjunct) with the Centre for Maternity Newborn and Families Research Centre MHIQ, Griffith University, a Senior Lecturer in the Discipline of General Practice at The University of Queensland.  

Over the past 15 years Pam has, with various teams, developed and published the pioneering evidence-base for Neuroprotective Developmental Care, or 'the Possums programs'. 

Her PhD employs both narrative and analytic approaches to examine women’s experiences of pregnancy, birth, and the early years of parenting.

Pam is blessed with six adult children and stepchildren, and many very precious grandchildren.

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