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Episode 21. Dr Daniella Susic - What is the Microbiome? How it effects your pregnancy and child's microbiome

Episode 21. Dr Daniella Susic - What is the Microbiome? How it effects your pregnancy and child's microbiome

Dr Susic, is a clinical research fellow in the field of obstetrics and a PhD candidate at the Microbiome Research Centre (UNSW). She also has a daughter Abigail who is 3 years old and has severe allergies, eczema, and Asthma.

Dani has undertaken speciality training through the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG). Under the supervision of Dr Amanda Henry and Prof Emad El-Omar, she is working on the Microbiome Understanding in Maternity Study (MUMS) trying to establish if there are causal links or associations between the action and composition of microbiome during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes.

Dani will study each woman and her baby for a year following birth. She is an enthusiastic team member and very passionate about the potential impact that this important scientific research will have on the clinical practice of obstetrics. MUMS will help inform the MothersBabies study, particularly in relation to the collection of samples from pre-pregnant, pregnant and post pregnant women and their babies.


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