Nourishing organic meals + snacks included in every Postpartum Care offering

Fill My Cup Day

This is the perfect session for mamas who want to catch a break and have a nap, wake up to a settled baby, a tidy house and home cooked meals.

Our Fill My Cup sessions are designed for mums who need a circuit breaker to recharge after those sleepless nights. This is also the perfect baby shower gift or present for busy and overwhelmed mothers.

What’s included?

  • 3 hours of support by a professionally trained doula of your choosing
  • Freshly prepared main meal (3-4 serves) and snack (4-5 serves)

How we support you:

  • feeding guidance
  • emotional and practical support
  • head/shoulder rub
  • light housework
  • birth debrief and/or
  • baby-wearing while you rest

Save upto 20% per session by upgrading to our 'First 40 Days' or 'Fourth Trimester' package + over $400 of extra support

      Who is doula support for?

      Don't have family close by or your partner has limited parental leave? We are here to step in as your Village and be the steady hand that guides you back to yourself, ensuring you feel nurtured, informed and empowered so you can fully embrace the joy of motherhood with confidence.

      Fill Your Cup works across Melbourne, Sydney, Geelong, Hobart and Newcastle to nurture and nourish sleep-deprived and overwhelmed families with in-home care so they feel rested and happy so they can bond with their newborn babies. 

      I’ve found an offering I like, what happens next?

      Excellent! Using the contact form below, enter your details and we will book in a time to discuss how we can curate your offering specifically to your needs.

      We will then facilitate interviews with our professionally trained doulas to work out who you vibe with best.

      And then you will start your journey into motherhood feeling confident, calm, nurtured and nourished.

      Ready to be treated like a Queen?


      Alrighty, book a chat using the contact form.

      Looking forward to speaking with you.

      Renee xo

      What Makes FYC Different?

      Put simply, our scientific knowledge and experience! {You only have to read our testimonials below} Fill Your Cup is Australia's only science and evidenced-based led Doula Village. All FYC Doulas undergo training in postpartum nutrition, maternal mental health, infant sleep, feeding and mood. 

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