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Fill Your Cup Village Blog

We weren't meant to raise our children alone, Mama. So we are here to give you a helping hand, share a recipe, chat about our insights of Motherhood and give you access to experts in mother care, birth, pregnancy and postpartum. Welcome to the FYC Village.

FYC Village

I remember the first time I thought about heading back to work after having a baby. It felt huge. How was I going to juggle feeding, pumping, and actually getting through a workday without feeling completely overwhelmed? If you're in that boat now, you’re not alone.

Returning to work while breastfeeding can bring up a mix of emotions, excitement, guilt, anxiety, relief, sometimes all at once. But with a bit of planning, the right support, and a whole lot of self-compassion, you can find a rhythm that works for you and your baby.

Motherhood is full of surprises. Some we expect, like sleepless nights and endless snack requests, while others, like struggling to conceive, can catch us completely off guard. If you have ever felt lost in the whirlwind of fertility advice, medical jargon, and conflicting opinions, you are not alone.

Fertility can feel like a roller coaster, with moments of hope, frustration, and everything in between. Whether you are just starting your journey or have been trying for a while, there is so much power in understanding your body, your options, and most importantly, reminding yourself that you are not in this alone.

Motherhood is a wild ride—equal parts magical and maddening. Between the midnight feeding marathons, nappy blowouts, and that unrelenting mental load (who else remembers every family birthday?), it’s no wonder you’re craving a little "me time." Well, grab a book, mama, because reading isn’t just an escape—it’s a legit hormonal hack for your mental health. Yep, science says so.

Motherhood is a journey that changes us in ways we never imagined. From the first flutter of tiny kicks to those sleepless nights with a newborn, it reshapes not just our lives but us as people. But did you know it’s not just your heart or body that changes? Your brain actually transforms too.

It’s incredible to think that the experience of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum rewires your brain in ways that prepare you for the role of motherhood. These changes are not just fascinating; they are empowering and offer insight into why we feel and act the way we do as mums.

Let’s be honest, there are days when motherhood feels like trying to juggle too many balls while balancing on a tightrope. Some days, it all feels manageable. Other days? One misplaced toy or a persistent whine can send us over the edge. I’ve been there, and I’m guessing you have too. Just recently, I found myself in the thick of it, raising my voice at my child and instantly feeling the pangs of guilt.

If you’ve ever experienced a moment like this, you’re not alone. Let’s unpack those tough feelings together and explore how to move forward with compassion for yourself and your child.

Ah, the holidays. A time of twinkling lights, delicious food, and endless family gatherings. It’s magical, isn’t it? But if you’re a mum, especially a new or expectant one, it can also feel like a gauntlet of unsolicited advice, constant baby handovers, and little space to just breathe. I get it.

The truth is, navigating the holidays as a parent comes with its unique set of challenges. That’s why I’m sharing some thoughts and practical tips to help you set boundaries that protect your peace, honour your family’s needs, and make the festive season truly joyful.

Motherhood is a beautiful mess of love, learning, and, let’s be honest, a fair bit of chaos. From the moment you welcome your little one into the world, you’re bombarded with advice, opinions, and expectations. And when it comes to setting boundaries and building strong connections, it can sometimes feel like you’re caught between “too much” and “not enough.”

But here’s the thing, parenting isn’t about getting it perfect—it’s about showing up with love and intention, even when the going gets tough.

Motherhood is an incredible journey but let’s be real, it can also be a bit overwhelming at times. Between the endless advice, the “must-haves,” and making decisions about how you want to birth, it can all feel a little bit much. But what if I told you there was a way to make these decisions your way? A way to feel truly supported and empowered as you welcome your baby into the world? That’s where private midwifery comes in, and trust me, it’s a gamechanger for so many mums.

Why the Shift to Private Midwifery?

Lately, we’re seeing more and more mums choosing private midwives, and for good reason. The global pandemic forced us all to take a hard look at the way we approach healthcare, and for many, that meant reconsidering hospital births. With private midwifery, mums get to take control of their birth experience in a way that feels more personal, more supportive, and dare I say more real.

Visiting a new mum can be a wonderful way to show support and care during this special time. Here are a few tips to keep in the back of your mind before visiting a new mum.
Ultimately, the exhaustion and stress from her postpartum experience meant White and her husband decided against having another child. “I had a really, really rough time and I always thought I wanted two children. But after that experience, we were one and done and it broke my heart.”
Third trimester. Immaculate make-up and lighting. Miranda donned a black Bumpsuit, a company owned  by another Aussie model - Nicole Trunfio. Seated behind a giant yellow travel all Louis Vuitton bag with an estimated value of AUD$6,300. I already knew this wasn’t going to be your ‘average hospital bag checklist’. 

How to prepare for the first 6 weeks of motherhood?

They say it takes a Village to raise a child, but I would argue your baby is fine - it's the mother that needs the Village. 

In my interview with Jessie Stephens and Gemma Pranita I go in depth about the things to expect once your baby arrives but more importantly how you are going to no just survive but THRIVE in motherhood. 

Professor James McKenna's research on infant sleep highlights the importance of breastfeeding and co-sleeping for optimal infant development and well-being, as well as the need for safe sleep environments to reduce the risk of SIDS. His work has contributed significantly to our understanding of the complex nature of infant sleep and the ways in which different sleep practices can affect the health and development of infants.
Introducing our bubbas to solid food is supposed to be an exciting time for everyone, however I appreciate that it can cause some angst as well. Choking, mess, which foods do I start with? Do you go with baby-led weaning… what is baby-led weaning? And all that stuff.

Very rarely do we recommend products for our FYC Mamas, we believe every mama and babies journey is unique and therefore the MUST HAVES are just not going to fit for everyone. 

BUT, there is one product that we suggest for our Mamas, something tried, tested and tested again. A product which has lifelong functionality, not something you will be selling off on Facebook Marketplace in 3 months time. 

Behold, the Mama Trolley.

We've fast-tracked the research part, skipped past the Google Rabbit Hole and wanted to share some of those books with you. In these books you will learn how to nourish yourself, kick postnatal depletion to the curb, develop an understanding about normal infant behaviour (think sleep and feeding) and how best to prepare for The Fourth Trimester. The authors of these books have all walked the walk and developed these books from years of research and experience in their specialist fields. 
Here are my Five Top Tips of Surviving the Newborn Days with a Toddler. Firstly, prepare like a Doomsdayer!
As women we are wired to thrive through community. Through connection. Through learning from other women of all ages. This is where we come into our own. We share thoughts and lessons, recipes, feelings, troughs and triumphs.

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